This value can be found in the test equipment memory, from the battery manufacturer or at In some instances this value must be developed using the battery system being analyzed. The following corrective steps need to be taken to determine the applicable battery fault. given battery system, a generic reference value can be established or employed. The battery warranty is valid for a period of 25 months from date of sale. Determine if the battery is a possible claim by checking the date of sale on the customer’s purchase slip. The battery that will be tested might still be under guarantee or past its guarantee. Give a brief overview and explanation of the vehicle’s electrical system starter and charging results.List and explain the results of the Midtronics battery testers after a battery is tested.Interpret the various unit standards of measurements used in the battery industry E.g.Give a short explanation of what is meant by the word conductance.
Briefly list the benefits of conductance testing.475.00 Electric Wheelchair Vermeiren Carpo 4 Limited edition. LOMBARDINI diesel fuel Injector 15LD/350. Interpret the Midtronics Tester’s decisions according to the displayed results when testing a battery: 1057-029 Follow upcoming sales with our newsletter.Practically demonstrate the use of a Midtronics tester in accordance with the standard procedure.List five possible conditions that he/she could identify during a visual inspections that may lead to a claim being rejected.Learning Outcome:On completion of this sub-section the learner will be able to:Įxplain the process of testing a battery as per the set standard, by focusing on the three specific steps involved